Quick Canvas Creation
Hi guys ! I just wanted to doa quick post before I head off to bed of a quick and easy peasy canvas creation that I did over the weekend. It really did not take me that long to do(about 10 minutes) and I loved how it turned out. Bascially for th background I used a couple of sprays here and there of some fabric paint, next I did some stamping using my favorite french writing stamp, after that I did some more stamping using a heart shaped stamp, next I doodled a flower using some black india ink and embelleshed it with some white dots on the petals, next I added some heart shaped cut outs at the bottme, and lastly(whew, lol !!) I added some journaling using my label maker. Sounds like a lot, lol, but really I didn't use that many materials to make it. I just wanted and needed to create something, and this what I came up with. So I hope you enjoy, and I will talk to you next time :) !
Much Love, XOXOXOX
Much Love, XOXOXOX